We work
hand in hand
with small and
medium-sized developers

We accompany developers at all stages of development: in the promotion, construction, operation, financing and divestment of their projects. We work with both greenfield and brownfield projects.

In all we contribute our financial and technical expertise, co-leading the operations.


Equity investments

We enter the shareholding through minority stakes (< 50 %).

  • We take risks that we know well, because we have been down this road before.
  • We provide both financial and technical solutions.
  • We work with greenfield, ready to build and operation projects.

Long-term subordinated debt financing

We supplement the financing needs for the promotion and construction of renewable energy projects with long-term subordinated debt.

  • First bank to offer this type of product for renewable developers.
  • It reduces the developer’s capital contribution.
  • Ideal complement for ready-to-build projects in project finance mode.



Alternative Green Equity Solutions

Up to 100% of the CAPEX in the construction of a renewable energy or biomethane project.

  • Trailblazers in Spain in offering this type of product for ready-to-build renewable projects.
  • Financing of up to 100% of investment needs.
  • Terms of up to 5 years. Need to refinance existing debt at maturity.
  • Maximum stakeholding of 25 %.
  • Resourced projects with viable connections.


Trailblazers in Spain

Banco Sabadell blazed the trail for financing renewable energy projects in Spain. Through Sinia, Banco Sabadell has also been a pioneer in offering solutions to provide the necessary own funds for each project.

Committed to our partners.

We seek small and medium-sized renewable project developers who wish to accelerate their growth.

  • Investment in companies in the field of sustainability and renewable energy projects: wind, photovoltaic, mini-hydro, industrial self-consumption, biomethane, among others.
  • A complement to bank financing as a comprehensive solution to project financing.
  • Contribution of our own team’s know-how with more than 20 years’ experience in renewables and the investment world.

Energy and perseverance
conquer all

Benjamin Franklin

Our investment

We strive to be the financial partner of small and medium-sized renewable energy developers. In addition, we come along for the ride by taking minority equity stakes in their projects and support them with financing solutions.


Markets where we currently operate: Spain and Mexico.

Our investment can reach up to

25.000.000 €

Our average ticket is €10,000,000 for ready-to
build-projects, and lower amounts for
projects in the development phase.

Sinia Renovables


Avinguda Diagonal
579, planta 10,
08014 Barcelona



Sinia Renovables

Mexico City

Avenida Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
193, piso 15, Colonia Granada,
11520 Mexico City

